Materials created during the project

Special focus on target group: teachers and STEM professionals without STEM teacher qualification working in non-formal learning centres (museums, science centres).
Goal: To raise interest in STEM subjects and the importance of science and technology in society, including:
- promoting research skills (e.g. problem solving, structured/guided/open inquiry, creativity – construct/test/modify approaches);
- thinking skills (e.g. critical thinking, synthesising, evaluating, metacognition);
- social skills, such as justified decision making in socio-scientific situations;
- self-management (e.g. self-development, self-evaluation, safety awareness).

Innovation: Scenario on science versus pseudoscience. STEM-related career awareness.
Impact: Awareness of skills and conceptualisations needed for being a STEM teacher, scientist and community member, and the skills to develop in others (students, general public, decision makers).
End product by participants: presentation / public lecture on an attractive controversial STEM topic.
Transferability: Forming a key base for all future STEM learning.